Help and FAQ

After I watch a class, and I try the suggested homework, what should I do if I need clarification?

This is exactly why you are here! I’m glad you asked. Take a picture of your sample work, or drawing and upload it into the Facebook group. Add text to your post and describe what you would like specific feedback on, for example, “@Bethanne Nemesh, can you give me feedback on my pebble roundness?” or “@Bethanne Nemesh, White Arbor Quilting please give me feedback on these texture choices to help them flow better”.

Use the @ symbol and my name (either of them). This triggers Facebook to give me a notification someone needs my help. Please clearly state you want me giving you positive constructive feedback. If you do not clearly state you want feedback on improving your work, I will not give it. Without that clear message, I will respond to your post positively with thanks for sharing, but assume you just want to share your image with the group.

Please keep in mind tagging notifications is not a doorbell. I do not have notification pushed to my phone. I maintain strict "business hours" for a healthy work-life balance (east coast US time: M-F). 

It is my preference you allow the group to benefit from constructive feedback as part of the power of group class learning. You may even post anomalously in the Facebook group. However if you are not using the Facebook aspect of class, you may email me at [email protected] and request feedback as well.

I feel behind. Can I ask questions about unit 1 if the group is on unit 4?

Absolutely. Take the class at your own pace. Ask for feedback on any of your work, from any unit, at any time for the full 3 months.

Can I share my feather homework with the Facebook group?

Absolutely! Any time! And you will find supportive folks ready to lift you up. There will be a big range of students from early journey folks to more advanced ones, and I am here to support you where you are. I am ONLY going to say versions of “Great job, keep up the awesome work!” unless you SPECIFICALLY STATE you want me to give you feedback/corrections/help. I fully realize that not everyone wants that...but definitely is proud of their efforts.

Can I share my quilted texture work and improv piecing outside of class? On Instagram or Facebook?

You may of course share images of your quilting on your social channels. Do not however share anyone else’s work. Also, do not share any handouts, drawings, or video content from class. It is very important for this rule to be honored in order for me to continue to be able to teach. Word of mouth advertising is also very important to me. So, please let your followers know about the class and encourage them to get on a waitlist for a future one.

What if I really, truly do not want to use Facebook? Can I get private feedback?

Yes. Just send me email to your student email at [email protected]
I will give you just as much attention. However, you will not have the benefit of learning from others. 

After class is over, can I still get your feedback and help?

While I want to say yes, I do need to put limits on my time. So, please take full advantage of our 3 months together. Class comment/questions will be closed and you will always have access to the classes on teachable and all the images, drawings, and feedback on Facebook.

When are you available for questions?

I live in eastern Pennsylvania (same time zone as New York City). I will do my very best to be responsive to questions during business hours Monday to Friday. Outside of that, I do still frequently check the class, but please be patient as I try to maintain a work-life balance with my family. I will periodically be traveling, but will check email and the Facebook group at least once per day, if not more Monday to Friday and remain caught up on questions. If I miss a post or question, please re-tag me to get my attention and help pull the post back to the top of the feed.

What are the planned question and answer sessions for, if I can ask a question at any time?

You can absolutely ask a question anytime. The planned, live, Q and A are supplemental times. They are used for bigger “group” style questions that are largely beneficial, and time set up with my camera assistant to review again with live sewing any necessary material. Each one will have a “call for questions” that you may add your needs to. They will last as long as there is need/questions, but not more than 1.5 hours, and may be canceled if there are no questions.

How will I access the live broadcasts? 

Each live broadcast will be watched in a private Youtube stream. You will come here, to Teachable, find the header for the live broadcast in the outline, and open it. About a half hour before class, I will place a link into that header. You will click the link and go immediately to the Live broadcast, which will start at the given hour. You can chat with me via typing live. After the live broadcast, I download and save it. Then, I edit it and load it for safekeeping in Teachable. The live replay will NOT be available on YouTube.

I will also put the live stream link in the Facebook group. Facebook does not always like outside links, so if you have concerns, come here to Teachable.

Lastly I will email the group email with the link about 1/2 hour before class. This seems to be the least reliable way to get the link however. Simply using the link in FB or here on the teachable outline under the matching Live class header is the simplest method.

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